More visualization and design projects.
Attended a fun talk at SRCCON where we brainstormed ideas for topic x presentation! Our group was tasked with presenting a story on television sitcoms as an interactive game. We came up with a 1v1 game called Sitcom Smash where you'd pit protagonists from common TV shows against one another!
I took some courses on machine learning at university and I loved how the exercise graphs turned out. Here are some I found most exciting.
I built a facial recognition-based Android attendance system to improve transparency in student-teacher interaction, reduce instances of bias, and raise overall administrative efficiency. The algorithm was trained on 1,000+ images and packaged as an Android app with separate interfaces for students and teachers. Features included components for courses, grading, personal dashboards, and registration.
Some event posters I've designed over the years :)
More fun stuff! These are graphics I created while I was first toying around with Illustrator that I still hold dear.